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Table of Contents  ScenGen wins the 2011 Most Innovative Product Award
7.5 Scorpion Geniuses Save the World
7.4 How an Irish Genius Saved the World
7.3 Irish Daily Mail Interview
7.2 Scorpion Show - First Look
7.1 FOX News: Boston Bombing Video Forensics
6.9 Scorpion engaged by top military officials
6.8 Robert Patrick Talks Scorpion
6.7 The Late Show
6.6 Art and Living
6.5 Wealth Summit Keynote Speaker
6.4 Scorpion Promo 1
6.3 Scorpion Promo 2
6.2 Live Interview
6.1 Fox News Report
5.9 National Press Headlines
5.8 Kilkenny Reporter
5.7 Kilkenny People
5.6 Irish Central
5.5 Wexford People
5.4 Geniuses to the Rescue
5.3 New York Post
5.2 Gorey Guardian
5.1 Scorpion TV Show Approved
4.9 Fox News China Cybercrime
4.8 CBS to Pilot Scorpion TV Show
4.7 Walter O'Brien added to CAA's prestigious speakers
4.6 Family Office Investment Symposium
4.5 FOA Spring Global Summit
4.4 Forbes and MSN
4.3 Most Innovative Product Award
4.2 Family Office Association
4.1 How NOT to get burned
3.9 U.S. National Interest
3.8 Daily Transcript
3.7 ScenGen in the U.S. Navy
3.6 Irish Times
3.5 Cyber Law and Business Radio
3.4 Implementing SME Based Governance
3.3 LawLoop
3.2 CTO Forum
3.1 Pasadena Optimist Club
2.9 American Environmental
2.8 Microsoft-Trados buys Uniscape
2.7 Microsoft acquires 20% Trados
2.6 Fujitsu acquires Glovia International
2.5 Appointment
2.4 The Next Bill Gates
2.3 Worth Millions!
2.2 SBS, Oak & Microsoft Launch
2.1 IT Awards
1.9 Computer Whizz Kid
1.8 World Olympics
1.7 The Wizard
1.6 First in Ireland - Again
1.5 Brain Team
1.4 Information Olympics
1.3 Live CNN Interview
1.2 Uniscape-Trade Show
1.1 Youngest Scientist
MIP Award Finalist

We are proud to announce that of the 140+ companies that vied to be the Most Innovative New Product of the year, our ScenGen product just made it through the rigorous judging process to win the CONNECT 2011 Most Innovative Product (MIP) Award competition in the Aerospace and Security Technologies category. ScenGen was chosen by a group of industry experts to represent the best of 2011's new offerings - some of the most cutting-edge technologies expected to make a worldwide impact.

For more information on ScenGen: Click Here.